Total Supply Chain


Over the past decade the industry buzz word has been Supply Chain management which at its core is simply the adoption of policies that are conducive to better managing the supply and demand of the customer.

Usman International dedication to being a pioneer in the industry can be best exemplified by our whole hearted adoption of the supply chain principle and making supply chain management a major source of cost saving for our Customers. The major motivation for the establishment of Dubai Hub was the strategic location of Dubai and its proximity to our customer. Our motivation was to be close to our customers while at the same time building supply chains to deliver goods to customer within specific delivery times.

Our next push came when we decided that we need to further trim the supply chain to the benefit of our customer by directly establishing another Hub in Korea. This new Hub helped us cut delivery times substantially and to further enhance and implement our strict quality control policy.

Our efforts to integrate our supply chain has paid well and today we are serving customers and suppliers in East Africa, West Africa, Far East, Australia, Mediterranean, Europe, Subcontinent, Persian gulf and even North America. The far reaching customer base is a testament to our efforts to focus on quality and timely delivery.

Our Annual sorting and processing turnover exceeds 20,000 tons and has shown substantial year on year growth. We are confident that the trust placed in us by our customer and suppliers will help us become a top global player


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